Our Business
We are Technology Providers
Wilson Bio-Chemical (WBC) has over 50 years’ experience in the design, construction and supply of steam process systems in the waste industry and many more years in other industries. Our team has developed a commercial system for the conversion of a variety of waste materials into useful products by using clean, dry, saturated steam in large rotating autoclaves.
With a broad knowledge base of steam and general fluid behaviour, process engineering and process chemistry, we can provide the necessary design information to waste processors and project owners to ensure your waste conversion project will be a success.
Wilson Bio-Chemical Ltd is working with a variety of partners to exploit the conversion of the biogenic portion of MSW into sustainable platform chemicals and fuels.
The Wilson System® is leading the way towards sustainable development and contributing to green energy demands. The company’s vision to create a net zero future by diverting methane and carbon dioxide producing biogenic municipal solid waste from landfill and converting this waste into totally sustainable biofuels such as ethanol, sustainable aircraft fuel SAF), butanol and diesel for transportation and the general chemical industry.
Our technology has been developed over 20 years specifically to take the totally heterogenous nature of MSW and convert the biogenic fraction into a repeatable, quality-controlled cellulose rich material (Wilson Fibre®) which follow-on technologies such as biochemical and thermochemical methods can rely on to optimise their efficiency.
We are technology providers in the area of MSW preparation. This is our core offering based on over 50 years’ experience of making money for our clients, in this case, in the waste industry.
As process steam specialists we offer totally affordable and sustainable process technology for the conversion of a serious global liability into a valuable raw material to make products for the circular economy.