We’re designers, engineers, chemists, and circular economy innovators, together we’ve developed the Wilson System
A patented steam autoclave system to separate and homogenise the biogenic content of municipal and commercial solid waste and convert it to biofuel and platform chemicals to produce truly sustainable products for the circular economy.

Wilson Bio-Chemical is making waste work for the planet
We believe waste is a valuable resource that should not be incinerated or sent to landfill.
Using the Wilson System, we can use waste as a raw material to produce a diverse range of products from ethanol, butanol, hydrogen, sustainable aircraft fuel and clothing for the masses by way of viscose rayon.
Take action in the fight against climate change
Can eliminate up to 200,000 tonnes per annum CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas (GHG).
All the biogenic portion of waste is deconstructed to form a high cellulosic content fibre, known as Wilson Fibre and the clean recyclable materials such as plastics and metals are separated for sale as clean scrap.
The Wilson System is the most versatile pre-treatment for MSW processing which is necessary for the correct and efficient downstream processing into valuable and sustainable high value liquid fuels and chemicals and sustainable solid fuel with no crop versus energy issue.

‘The Wilson System® is a global solution to the problems that are caused by destructive methods of processing waste. The system is designed to valorise waste, it then becomes an asset from which a diverse range of products matched to the needs of the of the location can be returned into the local economies providing true and sustainable Circular Economies.'